Tepee Tonka Resort, Blackduck MN

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Wednesday 15th May 2024 10:16 pm


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Name Address and ZIP code Type
Tepee Tonka Resort 20326 Tepee-Hill Lane Northeast, Blackduck MN 56647 Hotel
Phone Official website Opening hours
(218) 835-4862 No website listed yet OPEN now
Wifi: Unknown, Parking: Unknown, Disabled access: Unknown, Alcohol: Unknown, Credit cards: Unknown


Reviews of Tepee Tonka Resort

        1 star out of 5
        1 review


  • 1 star reviewThe room was slanted. And I mean really slanted, like take a marble and watch it run around the floor on its own slanted. The door to the bathroom and bedroom kept colliding, and the bathroom door stuck on the warped floor. You can literally feel yourself walking at different angles as you move from room to room. If I was looking for indoor skiing, this room would be perfect the for the slopes within the rooms. If you would like to know that the owners go into your room when you are gone because they don't write down or stress their own rules accurately, then this is the place to go. If you feel the utter need to be violated in the manner that would be consistent with peeping Tom, creepy flasher type, then head on out here. Oh and don't worry about when they bail down the dock to scream at an adult that is "supposed" to have a life jacket on at all times. Minnesota law requires accessibility to it. If you do your homework here, like I did after, the owners are a little fanatical because of the death of two people in the lake that they don't tell you about and just act weird toward you about. It's ok. The children feel better after some reassurance after they leave and you talk to them about mental disorders. If you really feel the need to be spoken to like you are a two year old, introduce yourself to the wife. If you want a rude argument when attempting to obtain clarification of rules they make up as they go, then have a chat with the husband. It is a welcoming experience to feel like grandma just beat you with a stick and grandpa attempted to finish you off. A wonderful warm fuzzy feeling occurs when you pack your bags and head on back to your own home. Oh and before I forget, the regulation for bbq-ing is a really touchy subject up there too. Don't worry that the bbq is about 10 feet away from the deck. It is ok to smoke cigarettes (we are nonsmokers), but hey, the supply of the ashtray on the deck was a nice touch to a nonsmoking cabin and that awesome grandma beating you with a stick moment when we moved the bbq to regulation and normalcy of "common sense" distance to cook without having to take a hike back and forth. Otherwise, bring some workout clothes for that trek, you will enjoy the hike out from the kitchen to the bbq. Don't forget to enjoy the ashtray that you don't need either. Also, don't count on the wi-fi access they say they have. It doesn't have it there for you to enjoy unless you are sitting at the office only. They tell you at the front desk that you have access in your cabin. Forget it. If you are a Master Degree or Doctoral student, be very careful, as you know your deadlines are crucial. I would say the bowling alley uptown was really accommodating and very polite to use their wi-fi, if you can camp at the bowling alley, I would recommend that. They have ice cream too. It's a nice touch. However, if you plan on a trip that you may have some requirements you have to squeeze in, the office closes at 9 p.m. So does their wi-fi access. Yeah, that closes at 9 p.m. too. Overall, the deck to the boats is falling apart, don't move to quickly, you will fall through. The pool was not open (understandably for the late season), something that could have been shared before the arrival, however, I should mention those detours on the way that were not pointed out that took out an extra hour of our trip to make it around the entire lake in the opposite direction, just to find out after all that driving the turn we needed for the detour was literally right on the other side of the detour. Nice huh? Check in is ONLY after three p.m. Check out is 9 a.m. So you better fish for about an hour, eat and head to bed, because that place better be cleaner than when you walked in or you are going to hear about it, and get charged for it too. Not worth the charges that are outside the standard six people rate everywhere else. You will get charged amply for other people. SO - overall, it is creepy, has a hidden history, the owners are jerks, the prices are outrageous, the amenities are not worth what you pay, don't cook there without them freaking, don't leave, unless you want your things filtered through, oh and the door left unlocked when they leave, the place is falling apart. You can't even have a civil discussion with the owners, you WILL get chewed out if you attempt to have a rational discussion asking for any clarification and expect those rules to change on a whim in the midst of it. Don't you dare ask for written things either. They will complain that if they do that, it will take too much time and if they put it in writing, it keeps them locked into something consistent. Less than a star rating. RUN, and I mean RUN. Stay in your car. It's better.
    Bonnie Reviewed 28th May 2013 3:36 AM

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Parking near

Village One Stop, 143 Clark Ave S, Kelliher, MN (15.46 miles) Phone (218) 647-8266

Seal Coat Service of Bemidji, 9830 Maple Ave Ne, Bemidji, MN (15.87 miles) Phone (218) 751-5002

Dick's Boat and RV Storage, 8039 Cardinal Rd Nw, Bemidji, MN (21.31 miles) Phone (218) 751-4827

Paul Bunyan Mini Storage, 3050 Irvine Ave NW, Bemidji, MN (21.55 miles) Phone (218) 759-1064

Stamart, 2470 Paul Bunyan Dr NW, Bemidji, MN (22.54 miles) Phone (218) 751-7504

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    1 - FREE to use and 2.14 miles away

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